Friday, September 23, 2011

Historical Foto Perspective of Teresa

This foto gallery is a historical perspective of the main character in the TERESA telenovela.

Although primarily about Teresa herself, other characters and events are included. If you have suggestions or other input, please post a comment.

This montage is a work in progress. New photos will be periodically uploaded as we make our way to the Grand Finale. If you have photos you would like me to add to the montage, you can email them to me at

The idea for this montage started in the Teresa discussion group on the Caray, Caray blog. The group noticed the gradual transformation of the Teresa character over the course of the novela. They thought it would be interesting to see a progression of photos from the start of the show to the current episode.

P.S. - You will notice the quality of many pictures are low resolution. If you know where I can find hi-resolution copies, please let me know.


2007, Mexico City: A graduation party is being held for students of the Lord Byron School.

Teresa is dating Paulo. A popular playboy from a rich family.

Teresa pretends her parents are rich too, and are in Europe.

Teresa makes her excuses and sneaks off to her home in the vencindad.

Her family and friends are there and they throw a party in her honor.

Paulo discovers Teresa actually comes from the vecindad

Professor Arturo de la Barrera notices Teresa's beauty and is impressed with her achievments.

He knows about her financial situation. He gives her his card, and offers his help.

Paulo confronts Teresa about her background.

He breaks up with her.

Aurora comforts Teresa after her break-up with Paulo. Teresa decides it's time for "Plan B". She will set her sights on Professor Barrera.

Paulo realizes he still loves Teresa. He can't marry her because of her background, but offers her the honor of being his mistress. Teresa is not amused. Paulo then gets rough with Teresa.

Mariano sees that Teresa is in distress.

He comes to her rescue.


Mariano was Teresa's first boyfriend.

She is still in love with him.

At a school party, Screechy Aida narrates a slideshow exposing Teresa's background, humiliating her in front of her classmates.

Paulo has now hooked up with Teresa's rival, Aida.


Teresa is invited to Professor Barrera's mansion.

She's very impressed.

Her arribista sonar is on full alert!

Teresa discovers the "Mariano" that Aurora has a crush on, is her Mariano.


A jealous Teresa tries to convince Aurora that Mariano is just a poor taxi driver with no ambition.

Besides, says Teresa, Mariano is in love with her, so Aurora should just forget it.

Teresa's sister, Rosita, agrees to be "secret" novios with Johnny.

She continues to have fainting spells.

Arturo makes a proposition to help Teresa go to the best university. Teresa's parents reluctantly agree.


Teresa arrives at the university.

Aida and Paulo sneer and insult her. Teresa promises revenge.

Mariano and Teresa declare their love for each other.

Aida wants to be novios with Paulo now. Paulo just wants to be "free".

Teresa will be going to Arturo's book signing shindig. Sadly, it conflicts with Rosita's gymnastics meet.

Rosita is disappointed.

At the book signing, Teresa begins flirting with Arturo in earnest.


Rosita has a heart attack at her gymnastics meet.

Mariano, who is returning to medical school, tries to help.

Everyone's worst fears are realized. Rosita flat lines and does not recover.


Teresa is muy impacted by Rosita's death.

In GWTW style, Teresa swears she will get out of poverty. She will stop at nothing.

Teresa thinks Luisa's disdain for her may impede her plans to get out of poverty.

Teresa works to befriend Luisa. She takes her out for a make-over.

Teresa's strategy works. Luisa warms up to Teresa.

Aurora is crazy about Mariano, but knows he loves Teresa.

She wants to get away from everything and announces she is leaving to live in France for a while.

Chapter 9

Luisa recalls the painful memory of how her parents were killed in their home.

Mayra picked up a message intended for Ruben from a woman calling him "amor".

She discovers Ruben's infidelity with Esperanza.

Chapter 10

Aida and Paulo announce to Paulo's mom that they are novios.

They are going to Acapulco.

We meet Arturo's mystery woman from his past - his ex-fiancée, Paloma.

They did not marry. Paloma left him at the altar.

Chapter 11

Paulo has never seen Aida in a bikini.

She's screechy but she's fine.

Oh yeah...

Teresa intercepts a call from Paloma and arranges to meet with her.

Teresa tells Paloma she is Arturo's wife.

Paloma is stunned. She just wanted Arturo to forgive her.

Arturo delivers money from Ruben to Esperanza for her brother's medical expenses.

Arturo is not pleased to have to deal with Ruben's "skirt issues".


Teresa shows Mariano the cell phone she got as a gift from Arturo.

Mariano is jealous.

Paloma stalks Arturo at his home.

She's sad to see Arturo and Teresa together.

CHAPTER 13 & 14

Armando is warned by the vecindad loan shark, Gema, not to be late with his payments.

Aurora is leaving for France.

She leaves the keys to her Cuernavaca home with Teresa.

Teresa brings Mariano to Cuernavaca for some alone time.

Mariano is the luckiest guy ever.

Teresa explains her meeting with Paloma to Arturo.


Paloma confronts Arturo at a lecture.

Arturo is not pleased to see Paloma.


Teresa tells Luisa Arturo is in a sad state because of Paloma.

Arturo starts drinking again.


Teresa hikes her skirt up high to show her legs to impress/seduce Arturo.

Since Arturo is from planet Earth, and has a pulse, HE LIKES IT.

She's quite the sneeky little shark...





Teresa announces she is moving into Professor Barrera's house.

"Oh no you don't!", says Teresa's mother, Refugio.

They argue bitterly as Refugio grabs Teresa's suitcase.

Armando risks his job and leaves early to plead with Teresa not to leave.

She tells them this is her ticket out of the vecindad.

Mariano is upset and confronts Teresa about moving in with the Professor.

Teresa angrily justifies it by saying Mariano doesn't have enough ambition.

He can't provide her with what she needs.

Mariano moves in for a passionate kiss, but breaks away and says they are over!

Fito, the drug dealer, confronts Teresa as she is leaving. Teresa says she is leaving forever.

Fito sarcastically says not to worry, he will leave her alone.

Mariano is distraught that things are apparently over with Teresa, and that she is leaving to live with another man.

Luisa tells Arturo that Teresa's room is prepared.

Paulo gives Aida a half-hearted, drab, marriage proposal; but it's good enough for Aida!

Arturo and Luisa welcome Teresa into their home.

Teresa plays the "sad girl" routine and Arturo comforts her.

Arturo and Mariano fight over Teresa.

A little different hairstyle for Juana, as she is at the hospital waiting for news about Refugio, who has had a cardiac event.

Teresa wastes no time making herself at home at the Barrera mansion.

BTW, Fernando, Arturo's BFF, is a womanizer.

As a result of leaving work early to plead with Teresa not to move in with the Professor, Armando is fired.

He discovers the news when he sees a "help wanted" sign at the shop.




CHAPTER 47 & 48

In Cancun...

Teresa sees Arturo talking with Paloma.

She's not a happy Tiburoncita.

I'll take one of these to go...





The day before she is to marry Arturo, Teresa makes love to Mariano.

Mariano says his heart is beating TERESA, TERESA...

Mariano and Teresa agree to run away together before the wedding.


Apparently diamonds and expensive cars are a girl's best friend.







Aida and Mariano crash the pool party at Cuernavaca.

Teresa pretends she doesn't care that Mariano is there with another woman.

However, it obviously bothers her that Mariano is cozy with Aida.

Teresa admits Mariano was her first lover. She knows Arturo would be furious if he found out.

She's right. He overheard and he's furious.


Arturo is angry and hurt that Teresa lied and that she first slept with Mariano.

He visits Paloma and vents his anger and pain. He begins to drink heavily.

Paloma sympathizes with Arturo.

Arturo continues to drink even more and is getting very drunk.

He later cuts his hand when he throws and shatters a glass in frustration.

Paloma bandages Arturo's hand and tries to comfort him.

Paloma moves in for a kiss.

An intoxicated, confused, and hurt Arturo gives in to Paloma.

Mayra confronts Esperanza about having an affair with Ruben.

Mayra discovers Esperanza is pregnant.

In one of their classic confrontations, Aida tells Teresa it's too bad her husband abandoned her.

Teresa is not amused.

Uh-oh. Arturo slept with Paloma!


Paloma is astonished when she overhears Mariano telling Dr. Dario that he slept with Teresa the day before her wedding and she led him to believe they would run away together.

However, Arturo had money so Teresa chose him.

Paloma arranges to meet with Arturo at an outdoor cafe to tell him what she found out about Teresa.

She parks, sees Arturo, and begins to walk across the street towards him.

Suddenly, Paloma is STRUCK BY A SPEEDING CAR!!

She later dies from her injuries.



Wrong finger, babe







While in Paris, Teresa tells Amadeo, the accountant, to expose Ruben's fraud.

Aurora's long lost mother, Vanessa, comes back into her life.

Aida shows Mariano why she's not so bad after all.



Vanessa makes a move on Hector, but is ultimately rejected.

One of Luisa's neighbors discloses that Teresa was looking for Mariano's apartment.

Teresa is mortified.


Teresa stops by Mariano's apartment on the pretext that she is there to help Johnny.


Teresa and Aida gear up for another of their classic confrontations.

Teresa is shot by Saenz's wife.


Teresa is paralyzed from the gunshot wounds.


After surgeries, a medically induced coma, and a long stint of physical therapy, she eventually recovers.


After Arturo discovers that Teresa slept with Mariano the day before their wedding, Teresa begs Arturo not to return her to the vecindad.


Mariano tells Teresa he is over her and loves Aurora.

Teresa thinks Mariano's feelings for Aurora are just a passing fancy.

Mariano assures her his love for Aurora is the real thing.

Luisa comes home unexpectedly from Cuernavaca and catches Teresa and Fernando in an intimate embrace.

Teresa discovers it was Cutberto (a.k.a. Crapberto) that told Oriana about Teresa and Mariano sleeping together the day before Teresa's wedding.

Mariano tries to win over Aurora's heart.


Aida, Ruben, and Geno's plans to use the Luna Turqueza condos to ruin Arturo and Teresa backfires.

Mariano finally wins Aurora's heart


Teresa in Zacatecas


Teresa continues to manipulate and tease Fernando.

Teresa successfully convinces Fernando to break off his wedding with Luisa.

Luisa is heartbroken and angry that Fernando has left her for Teresa.


Luisa is devastated that Fernando broke off the marriage.

Oriana tries to comfort her.

Lucia steals a kiss from Arturo as she tries to sober him up.

Mariano tries to warn Fernando about the type of person Teresa is, but Fernando does not want to listen. He thinks Mariano has ulterior motives.

Oriana tries to convince Fernando to reconcile with Luisa. She's very upset with him, and insults Teresa.

Mariano invites Aurora to a special dinner.

He has a surprise planned for Aurora.

Mariano gives Aurora an engagement ring.

Mariano proposes to Aurora.


Luisa tries one more time to reconcile with Fernando. He hurts her again.

Fito cases Mariano's apartment building for "the hit"

Aida notices something suspicious about Geno's behavior concerning her new baby

Ruben tells Fito he not only wants Mariano beat up, he wants him dead.

Teresa is confronted by both Arturo and Fernando, and forced to choose between them.

Who will she choose?


Teresa chooses money (Fernando) over love. She secretly longs for Arturo.

Juana is starting the process to adopt a baby.

Arturo stops by to pick up his clothes and things. Teresa says he still loves her.

Arturo says he will forget her.

Teresa chases after Arturo.

It's too late. Arturo is gone.

Things seem to be developing between Arturo and Luisa.

Oriana and Teresa have a confrontation at the club.

Oriana vows Teresa will not be accepted into her family.

Teresa says she just loves Fernando and doesn't care about his money

Oriana tells Teresa that she will seperate her businesses from Fernando and challenge his inheritance.


If Oriana would disinherit and ostracize Fernando, Teresa says, then she must not love her son. She walks off in a huff.

Fernando confronts Teresa about snuggling with Arturo at her father's wake.

Teresa can't believe Fernando would accuse her of being affectionate with Arturo when she was so grief stricken.

Ruben and Fito make arrangements for the "hit" on Mariano.

Teresa is very disappointed and surprised to learn Fernando is giving the mansion to Luisa. She wants it. She claims Arturo "gave it" to her.

Teresa uses her wyles to manipulate Fernando.

Teresa successfully convinces Fernando to give her the mansion.

Juana is grieved that her application for child adoption has been rejected.

Aurora passes her professional medical exam.

Fernando is at the Notary's office to sign the mansion over to Teresa.

Luisa shows up unexpectedly and says she is there to receive the mansion.

Teresa tells Luisa there has been a change of plans.

Luisa is stunned to discover Fernando is giving the mansion to Teresa.


Luisa slaps Fernando and Teresa.

Luisa tells Fernando and Teresa they betrayed her and they deserve each other.

Fernando tries to explain he thought Luisa didn't want the house.

Arturo confronts Fernando. He doesn't want Luisa accepting anything from Fernando.

Fernando says that's no problem. He gave the house to Teresa.

Arturo warns Fernando that this will not guarantee Teresa will be faithful. Arturo has no doubt Teresa will want him again and he will enjoy paying back Fernando in kind.


Arturo struck a nerve and Fernando confronts Teresa about what he said.

Fernando doesn't want her seeing Mariano or Arturo. She belongs to him.

Teresa uses her feminine wiles to calm down "Fernanderthal".

Mariano spots Fito trying to get into his apartment building.

Mariano tells the attendant to call the police while he chases down Fito.

Fisticuffs ensue and Fito threatens Aurora.

Ruben tells Esperanza he will bring her a medallion from "the kidnappers" proving Rodrigo is still alive.

Later, Teresa stops by to talk to Esperanza.

Esperanza tells Teresa that Ruben is fooling around with Geno.

Teresa is shocked.

Teresa begins calculating the implications of this information...

Teresa is just shocked and trying to take it all in...

Fernando discovers that Oriana has denied him access to the construction office.

Mariano warns Aurora about Fito's threats.

Ruben and Fito begin to argue about money and "the hit" on Mariano.

Fito pulls his gun and threatens Ruben.

Geno walks in and sees Fito has pulled a gun on Ruben.

Geno grabs a bronze Eiffel Tower knick-knack.

Geno sneaks up behind Fito, carrying the bronze knick-knack.

WHACK!!! Geno baps Fito on the head!

Fito is dead.

Ruben gathers the murder weapon with one of Geno's scarfs and hides it behind a sofa.

He thinks to himself that now he's got Geno in his hands.

Teresa, who seems proud of herself, holds the keys to the mansion.

She tells her Arturo-bear that little by little she will regain everything - including Arturo.

Ruben takes baby Rodrigo's medallion from Fito's pocket and hides it away before Geno can see it.

Geno and Ruben use garbage bags to wrap up Fito's body.

They drive-off to dispose of Fito's body.

They are unaware that Teresa is parked outside their house, watching them.

Geno and Ruben drive into a remote area.

They pull Fito's body out of their trunk.

Teresa gets out of her car and sneaks around like she's in an episode of Scooby-Doo.

Geno and Ruben prepare to dump Fito's body

Teresa wonders, "What are Geno and Ruben up to?"

...and a one, and a two..and oommph! They dump Fito's body into a canal.

Our Tiburoncita can't believe what she's seeing...

Lucia steals a kiss from Arturo. Eventually he pulls away.

After Mariano treats Teresa's mother, he tells Teresa to come to her senses and leave Fernando.

Just then, Fernando shows up and pins Mariano against the wall.

Doltberto asks Arturo for help adopting a child through Paloma's foundation.

Ruben brings Rodrigo's medallion to Esperanza as proof that Rodrigo is still alive.

He blackmails her and says she must run away with him in order to see Rodrigo again.

Teresa tells the maid at the mansion that she will be staying there from now on, and to prepare Fernando's suitcases - he's moving out.


Teresa clutches Arturo-bear.

She repeats her self-control mantra.

Teresa says she must control her feelings for Arturo so that Fernando does not discover how much she really loves Arturo.

Refugio and Juana discuss whether Teresa was telling the truth about why she's getting divorced.

Refugio wants to talk with Luisa to get her side of the story.

She suspects Teresa is up to her money-grubbing ways.

Fernando unexpectedly walks into Teresa's bedroom while she brushes her hair.

Fernando puts Teresa in bed and tries to seduce her.

Teresa re-hashes her excuse that she's too distraught over her father's death.

She's trying to "do the right thing" and wait until she's divorced.

Fernando falls for it and asks her to forgive him.

Carpberto tells Juana he saw that Arturo is living with another woman.

Aruro and Lucia have dinner to celebrate a good day at work.

Lucia is slowly making inroads with Arturo.

Ok, I admit this is a gratuitous cleavage shot.

Aida and Ruben agree Geno is obsessive about her "new baby".

They find it creepy that Geno named the baby "Paulo".

Teresa drops in to "visit" (harass) Aida.

Teresa struts about like a peacock.

Aida tells Teresa to GET OUT of her house!

Teresa says to hang on; wait a minute.

Teresa says Ruben deceived Aida's mother not just with Esperanza, but with someone else.

Aida doesn't believe it and is indignant.

Teresa says it's true.

The only and real reason Esperanza broke up with Ruben was because she caught him making love with Aida's friend - Geno!

Aida is speechless, and that really doesn't happen very often.

Teresa just wanted to let Aida know about her "doting" dad and of course to see her suffer some more.

Why? Because Aida won't stop bothering her!

Teresa says she warned Aida not to mess with her!

Teresa struts out, leaving Aida to think about what she said.

Aida has had her doubts about Ruben.

She fears Teresa is right.

Meet Mexico City's Starsky & Hutch!

They ask the Hi-Rise attendant if he has seen Fito.

He tells them about Mariano and Fito's scuffle.

Krassberto asks Oriana for a job.

Actually, I didn't care about that. I just thought the peacock in the background was cool.

Fernando wants to be present when Teresa meets with Arturo to sign the divorce papers.

Teresa doesn't think it's such a good idea.

Mariano wants to go on a vacation with Aurora for a month.

Aurora is apparently ok with the idea.

Oriana stops by the mansion for a visit.

Teresa mockingly says, "Welcome to my house..."

Teresa rubs Oriana's nose in the fact that Fernando put the home in Teresa's name.

It's hers again.

Gratuitous cleavage...


Oriana promises to forever be a thorn in Teresa's side.

Starsky & Hutch flash their badges at the hospital.

Mariano is under arrest for the death of Fito.

Mariano resists the hundcuffing.

Eventually he is cuffed.

He asks Aurura not to tell his dad, Ramon, about this.

Mariano does the perp walk...

Aurora is horrified.

Teresa hears the news that Mariano has been arrested.

Aida confronts Ruben about his relationship with Geno.

Arturo arrives for his business meeting with Ruben, but is interrupted with an urgent call.

Arturo says Mariano has been arrested and is accused of murder.

Aida freaks out. She wants to go immediately to help.

Ruben insists Aida not get involved.

Ruben snidely says he hopes Mariano rots in jail.

Mariano is thrown in the slammer.

Don Anselmo, one of Oriana's business partners, tells Fernando he cannot do business with him until Fer reconciles with his mother...

Fernando is stunned, and not at all pleased.

Patty and Johnny are delighted to hear that Fito is dead.

Mariano is surprised to find that Arturo is offering to be his attorney.

He tells Arturo he had a scuffle with Fito, threatened him because he threatened Aurora, but he did not kill him.

Fernando gripes to Oriana about Don Anselmo's visit. How could she do that to her son?

Oriana says Fernando is learning a hard lesson about opposing her.

Oriana asks her son to weigh what he'll be gaining with what he's got to lose.

The gang's all down at the police station and look who strolls in, the rrrrrrrrata de la vecindad herself.

She says she's there to help her friend since childhood because Juana asked her to, and because she's a friend to Aurora.

Their expressions say it all... they aren't buying it. Aida says Teresa doesn't have any friends.

Teresa sees from the police report that Fito was found in a drainage ditch wrapped in garbage bags.

She says she recognizes that place and those bags!

Arturo asks if she knows who did it.

"Of course!" Teresa exclaims, "It was Genoveva and Ruben who threw him in there! I saw them!"


Teresa explains there is a connection between Fito, Geno, and Ruben.

Fito was selling drugs to Paulo, Geno's deceased son. Geno and Ruben are having an affair.

Teresa will testify in Mariano's defense.

This will implicate Geno and Ruben in Fito's murder.

Ruben calls Esperanza to threaten and harass her.

He says "the kidnappers" have given him a picture of Rodrigo. She must do as he says or the baby will be harmed.

Patty notices that Esperanza is rattled.

Esperanza gives Patty a letter to relay to Hernan in the event "something happens".

Esperanza is upset but does not disclose Ruben's threats to Patty.

Ruben sneaks over to Esperanzas house after Hernan leaves for work.

Ruben gives Esperanza a picture of Rodrigo as proof that he is still alive.

Ruben forces himself on Esperanza.

Patty inadvertently sees what's going on with Ruben and Esperanza.

Patty confronts Esperanza about what just happened with Ruben.

She tells her not to bother denying it, she saw and heard the whole thing.

Patty is shocked to learn that Ruben has been in touch with the "kidnappers" but hasn't gone to the police.

Esperanza is concerned Rodrigo will be harmed if she tells anyone about Ruben's threats.

Patty emplores Esperanza to come clean with Hernan and the police about Ruben and his alleged relationship with the kidnappers.

Teresa gives her statement to the police.

Fernando storms in to the precinct and is furios.

He accuses Arturo of defending Mariano just to be near Teresa.

Fernando grabs Teresa by the arms and demands an explanation as to why she is there with that infeliz (Arturo).

Patty learns that her gramps is ill and needs immediate hospitalization.

Fernando drags Teresa out of the police station like a caveman.

Teresa is fed up with the caveman act and says maybe they should just break up!

Teresa hops in a cab and takes off, leaving Fernando behind.

Our screaming banshee overhears that her dad, Ruben, and Geno are suspects according to Teresa's eyewitness statement.

Aida says this is nothing more than lies from that rrrrrrata de la vecindad (Teresa).

Aida tips off Ruben that Teresa claims she saw he and Geno dumping Fito's body.

At the police station, Ruben and Geno put on the "innocent act".

They pretend that it's an outrageous notion that they had anything to do with Fito's death.

Teresa walks-in on Arturo and Lucia kissing.

Teresa is shocked and hurt at the sight of Arturo kissing another woman.

Teresa pulls herself together, sarcastically claps, and says, "Bravo, bravo. I'm so happy to see you have resumed your life because I'm here to see about a divorce."

Oriana offers to pay-off Teresa if she disappears from her son Fernando's life.


Teresa is interested in Oriana's offer to pay her off.

Instead of fighting with her son and losing capital, she will pay Teresa very well, with the one condition that she stay away permanently from Fernando.

Mariano has been formally arrested and will be transferred to the penitentiary for an unknown number of years.

Mariano blows his stack and goes after the captain.

Ruben suggests he and Geno leave the country, but not yet, to avoid suspicion.

A courier arrives and gives Esperanza a letter which requires her signature. Just then, Ruben arrives and snatches it from her.

Ruben opens it and sees that it is a summons. He warns her not to say anything about his affair with Geno.

When he has money, they will all leave. He threatens that if she tells anyone, the baby dies.

Gramps tells Patty the story of her mother and father. He admits he forced her father to marry her mother. He wasn't Patty's biological father.

He asks Patty for her forgiveness.

Oriana offers five million dollars in exchange for Teresa to disappear from Fernando’s life.

Teresa says, “Ma’am, the love of my life is Fernando.” Oriana is astonished.

To Oriana's surprise, Fernando suddenly enters and is bitterly disappointed in Oriana.

Oriana snaps, “What is this Teresa? You set a trap?!”

Fernando tells Oriana to GET OUT of the house!!

Oriana says, “Of course I’m going. And I’ll see you in court!!"

Distraught, Fernando turns around, leans against the stairs and cries.

Teresa, practically gloating, dawns a despicable, facetious grin.

Fernando is in a daze, but he signs paperwork authorizing Teresa to be Fernando’s legal representative.

An inmate thug wants revenge because he thinks Mariano killed Fito.

Mariano gets the upper hand in the fight. He demands the thug tell him everything he knows about Fito.

Ruben and Geno plan their escape.

The investigators say Geno had motive because Fito caused the death of her son.

The thug that fought with Mariano snitched: he said Ruben hired Fito to steal Rodrigo.

At the notario's office, Teresa is distraught as the reality of the divorce sinks into her heart.

She is conflicted because she is still in love with Arturo.

Teresa bursts out into uncontrolled sobbing. Arturo consoles her as she breaks down into bitter, unrestrained crying...

Will she go through with the divorce?


Teresa says she is just crying because this is the end of a chapter in her life.

Arturo tells her she chose to end their marriage.

He reminds her what she did to Luisa. She should cry for all the pain she's caused others.

She wants him to shut up; his words are hurting her.

No, he's going to say what's on his mind.

He says he may not have been the best of men, but he really wanted to be with her.

He finishes by saying that Fernando will never love her in the way that he has.

Teresa is impacted by Arturo's words.

She looks at Arturo wishing things were different.

The police accompany Aurora and Aida to Geno's house.

The maid brings little "Paulito" to Aida.

Aurora recognizes the baby - it's Esperanza's baby!

This baby is little Rodrigo!

"It can't be, it can't be!", exclaims Aida.

Aida can't believe what this means - her father and her friend Geno kidnapped the baby.

Teresa reluctantly signs the divorce papers.

Now Arturo signs the divorce papers.

The notario informs them the divorce will be processed and should be complete in 15 days.

Patty's got a nice rack.

Oh, and her abuelo is going to recover.

Uh-oh, the police are at Geno's door.

Ruben says it's best they not see him there. He's going to take "Paulito" and hideout in another room.

As soon as Geno is out of site, Ruben heads straight for her bag.

Ruben starts scooping up the get-away cash.

After Ruben grabs all the cash, he makes a run for it.

The police arrive to investigate Fito's death.

The police notice a red spot on Geno's rug, which she conspicuously tries to cover up.

Aurora asks Hernan to look at some photos on her smart phone.

"It's Rodrigo!", shouts Hernan.

Hernan wants to know what's going on, is Rodrigo alive?

Meanwhile the police ask Geno if she has seen the person in the photograph.

Geno is alarmed and petrified!

By the way, Aurora is fine.

The police investigators gather evidence from the crime scene.

Teresa tells Refugio that she divorced Arturo.

Refugio thinks this is so terrible.

Not only that, Teresa says, but she's going to marry Fernando.

Refugio starts to hyperventilate.

Refugio is angry and storms out.

Aurora tells Arturo the baby at Geno's was definitely Rodrigo.

Did I mention she's fine?

Teresa and Juana are discussing the situation about Esperanza when...

...Hmmm... Patty seems to know something...

Ruben has taken Rodrigo from Geno's place and arrived at Esperanza's home.

Esperanza is excited and wants Ruben to hand over the baby.

Not so fast, says Ruben.

He wants Esperanza to start packing her things.

Patty is apprehensive... She promised Esperanza she wouldn't say anything.

She says Ruben has been in touch with Esperanza.

Patty tells them Ruben had been saying that he had a way to get Rodrigo back.

Ruben produced the medallion that Crudberto had given to Rodrigo.

Teresa can't believe it!

Ruben says Esperanza must leave her "idiot" husband and go with HIM if she wants to see her son.

Just then, Hernan comes in and tells Ruben to take his hands off his son!

Ruben pulls a gun and threatens Hernan.

Aida is mortified and tells Ruben to stop this madness.

Ruben wants Aida to leave with him.

Aida refuses to go with him.

Aida tells Ruben that Geno wanting Rodrigo as a replacement for Paulo is loco, that woman is crrrazzzy, he needs to stop this now!

Ruben is determined and demands Hernan's keys, all of his keys.

Hernan makes a run for Ruben, but Ruben fires a warning shot, and thwarts the attempt.

Ruben orders everyone out of his way.

He makes a run out the door, warning everyone to stay back and not to follow him.

Aida is traumatized.

Once outside, the police start to arrive and Ruben warns them to stay back!

Ruben holds off the police.

Ruben takes the baby into his get away car.

Ruben makes a run for it.

Ruben checks into a flea bag hotel and calls Geno to join them.

Geno is mad that Ruben stopped at Esperanza's.

Ruben makes a flimsy excuse and says the important thing is for them to hideout for now.

The police debrief Hernan and Esperanza.

Teresa arrives and Arturo explains what happened.

Teresa lays into Aida and rubs her nose in the fact that her dad is causing all this grief.

Arturo tells her to back off.

Aurora tries to calm down Aida.

Aurora tells Mariano he will soon be freed.

Geno and Ruben killed Fito.

Aurora tells Mariano she still wants to marry him.

Fernando talks to Teresa about getting married.

Fernando knows the way to an arribista's heart is through expensive jewelry.

He puts the necklace on Teresa.

The news is out that Mariano has been exonerated.

Teresa is proud of her latest prize of jewlry from her conquest.

However, she misses Arturo terribly, as she symbolically hugs Arturo-bear.

She gets the idea to call Arturo and asks him over.

Arturo abruptly blows her off. He's not in the mood to see or talk to her tonight, they are divorced.

Teresa is experiencing the consequences of her actions, as she is very upset that Arturo won't see her.

Teresa takes matters into her own hands and drives over to Lucia's house.

Arturo doesn't want to see her, and Teresa is bitter.

Geno and Ruben have been at the flea bag hotel for a couple of days and are getting on each others' nerves.

He says Rodrigo is not a replacement for Paulito.

Arturo comes over to discuss splitting up their workload at their law firm as their divorce is being finalized.

The discussion upsets Teresa as she still loves Arturo.

She moves in for a big kiss and Arturo reciprocates.

Arturo's phone rings to interrupt the kiss. He explains an associate called to tell him the divorce is final.

Arturo eyes his wedding ring.

He starts to slip the ring off his finger.

Arturo walks over to put the ring in the trash can.

Teresa stops him, but Arturo says the ring is trash, just like their marriage.

Teresa turned their marriage into trash when she preferred money over the love she had for him.

He walks away but turns around to blow her a kiss.

Teresa can't believe he's gone.

When Arturo is out of her sight, he looks down and sees his finger which no longer has the ring.

He cries at the love that was lost.

Teresa grabs his ring out of the trash.

She holds and embraces the ring.

Mariano asks Hector for his daughter's hand in marriage.

Hector is convinced Mariano loves her and gives his blessing to the marriage.

Teresa tells Fernando everything is finalized with her divorce.

Fernando wants to accelerate the date of their marriage.

Teresa thinks the marriage date should remain unchanged because invitations have already been sent.

That's her excuse and she's sticking to it.

Fernando is upset about legal issues with Oriana.

He's afraid he will lose his inheritance completely.

Teresa says he may be able to "keep" some of his companies.

She explains that if he were to sign these companies over to “someone else”, then he wouldn’t be able to hand them over to his mother because they wouldn’t be his.

Ruben and Geno decide they need to get revenge on those who have hurt them.

Teresa is at the top of their list.

Teresa has the asset transfer documents ready for Fernando to sign.

Teresa asks what's wrong?

Fernando hesitates allegedly because what is happening with his mother is hurtful.

Teresa comforts Fernando.

After all, it's so great that he can "trust" her.

She hands him the pen and coaxes him to sign.

Fernando relents and signs the documents.

Teresa gives Fernando a coniving, evil, shark look.

Teresa drops in at Oriana's swanky hotel and breezes into her suite.

Teresa gives Oriana one last chance to accept her as her daughter-in-law.

Oriana predictably scoffs and says she'd rather be dead.

Teresa drops the bomb that she is now Fernando's legal proxy!

The next day, Ruben sneaks around incognito at the mansion.

He slips into the mansion while the maid is taking out the trash.

Teresa talks with a licenciado about selling the companies that have recently been put in her name.

Meanwhile Ruben hides behind a pillar in the mansion.

At Oriana's hotel, Fernando tries to get Oriana to accept his happiness with Teresa.

He offers Oriana an invitation to his wedding.

Oriana rips the invitation into little pieces.

Oriana throws the pieces to the floor.

Fernando picks up the pieces and yells at Oriana for trying to control his life.

Oriana excoriates Fernando for giving Teresa legal authority to manage his assets.

Oriana says Teresa is planning to strip him of everything. They exchange bitter words and Oriana slaps him.

The excitement is too much for Oriana and she collapses on the floor.

Fernando can't revive her.

Teresa walks the licenciado to the door and surprise... it's Ruben pointing a gun!

Ruben threatens to kill her if she screams.

Ruben tells her she's going to pay for all the harm she has done.

He hears the maid coming and tells Teresa to get everyone out of the house.

Teresa frantically tells Reina to get out and to get everyone else out of the house.

The Alcazar doctors tell Fernando that Oriana suffered a stroke and she appears to be at least partially paralyzed.

Ruben ties Teresa to the upstairs railing.

He holds her cell phone to her and wants her to call Fernando.

Fernando doesn't answer.

Teresa leaves him a message.

Ruben says Teresa has driven him to this.

She is to blame for Mayra discovering his fraud, for him losing Esperanza, even losing his notaria!

He will make Teresa sign some checks in the meantime and goes to get her purse.

Just then, Arturo comes in and SMACK he pops Ruben in the face.

Arturo tries to force the gun from Ruben.

They scuffle and Ruben escapes up the stairs.

Arturo and Ruben continue to fight upstairs.

The police arrive and hold Ruben at gun point.

After the ordeal, Arturo walks Teresa down the stairs as the police are asking Ruben the whereabouts of Rodrigo.

Ruben is defiant and Teresa tells him he's going back to jail FOREVER!

Arturo and Teresa bring little Rodrigo back to Esperanza and Hernan.

At the hospital, Fernando tells Teresa about Oriana's condition.

Teresa suggests they postpone the wedding.

Of course it's only out of concern for Oriana.

And they'll see to Oriana's care.

Fernando appreciates Teresa's "concern", as she hugs him wearing a Cheshire-shark grin.

Teresa contemplates her next move.

Teresa runs into Aida. She fills her in on everything Ruben did. He's currently being booked at the jail!

Teresa says which is worse, Teresa, poor with a mechanic for a dad, or Aida, with a dad who is a criminal and murderer?

Teresa warned Aida she would pay for humiliating her.

Teresa wonders how Aida will explain her situation to her high society friends!

Aida is distraught.

Teresa drops into Oriana's hospital room for a visit, wearing a sarcastic smile.

Teresa reminds Oriana how she harassed Teresa when she was injured and paralyzed from her gunshot wounds.

Teresa sarcastically says she's "sorry" she didn't get the chance to tell Oriana that Fernando gave her half of his businesses. She knows just what to do with them.

Teresa tells Oriana not to worry, she'll bring Oriana back to her house where she'll be sure to "take care" of her.

Oriana is horrified!

A couple of weeks have passed. A reporter from a magazine in Spain has arrived to interview Teresa, as her marriage to Fernando is big news.

The reporter asks Teresa about her parents and assumes they are of similar lineage to Fernando's.

With condescension, Teresa looks over at Refugio and Juana, who are visiting.

Teresa hesitates for a moment, unsure how to respond.

Teresa then says, yes that's correct, but her parents both died a long time ago.

Refugio is stunned and hurt. She hastily leaves.

Juana approaches Teresa, but Teresa cuts her off. The reporter knows something is awry.

Teresa tells the reporter that Juana is her nanny.

Juana is astonished and hurt, as she solemnly leaves.

Ruben is in jail, when one of Fito's friends wants revenge. He found out Ruben was involved in Fito's killing.

Things are heating up between Lucia and Arturo.

The licenciado has sold the businesses formerly owned by Fernando, which are now in Teresa's name.

He presents her with a certified check.

Teresa looks over the check.

It's for 300 million dollars!!

Teresa can't believe it!


Teresa prances around in delight!

Teresa cheers, "I'M A MILLIONAIRE!!" as she throws a plant into the air.

She grabs the check and hugs and kisses it.

Meanwhile, Refugio and Juana are in tears at Teresa's betrayal.

They are realizing what a disgrace Teresa is. Refugio says Teresa is truly mala.

Fernando amorously greets Teresa. He's happy they are finally getting married.

But Teresa coldly rejects him. She bluntly says she is NOT marrying him, because she doesn't love him!

Fernando can't believe it! There are reporters there to interview them because they are getting married.

She doesn't care what she tells them, but she's not marrying him!

He tries to force himself on her, but she fights him off.

She screams for him to get out of HER house and NEVER come back!!

Fernando refuses to leave.

She screams that he must leave now or she will call the police!!

He says his mom was right about her. Teresa snarls that at least Oriana got her way, she's not marrying him!

Fernando says she is pure evil as he solemnly leaves.

Teresa climbs the stairs and seems to be looking over her kingdom.

Her voice echos as we hear her triumphantly say her mantra...

...“Ser Ăł no ser, yo soy!”


** PLUS **

Screen captures of the Univision interviews with the cast of TERESA, plus additional captures of the alternate endings.

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